San Diego Kayaker

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Down Sunset Cliffs

Four of us turned out for the Saturday morning paddle. Jim opted to paddle with Paulette, so we left him at the docks. We cruised out the channel to pretty calm waters. We turned south toward the O.B. pier. Once there we opted to keep heading south. Once we reach the end of Sunset Cliffs, we turn back around.

Just off the pier I found a hat floating in the water. Our trivia question for the day was what is the distance from the north end of the jetty to the buoy. If I measured correctly in Google Earth, it appears to be .22 miles. I guessed 1/6 of a mile.

I had grabbed a Greenland Paddle from the dock shed, and did try it out a few times. Interesting, but a bit tough on the elbow and shoulder. I did get a few questions about it as I paddled back into the docks. A great day on the water. I estimate we paddled just under 9 miles.

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Saturday, August 01, 2009

From the OB Pier to the Coaster

A nice group of us left the docks at Aqua Adventures and headed out the channel. The seas were fairly calm and the waters warm. We looped down toward the Ocean Beach Pier and swung back toward Mission Beach. We were almost to the Belmont Rollercoaster, when we heard the call to the lifeguards about a diver in trouble on one of the wrecks.

We kept an eye out as we knew the lifeguard boats would be racing to the scene. We slipped back into the channel, wondering about the diver. We saw the boats returning with the diver on board. He had run out of air. I never found a mention of the incident in the new, so I can only assume he recovered.

Paddling close to the north side of the jetty, I grabbed what I thought was a empty can floating in the water. Instead, it was an unopened can of Coors Light. It was later poured down the drain.

We looped through Mariner's Cove. A few folks did a roll or two in the water. It was nice comfortable paddle, capping three times on the water in the same week.
