San Diego Kayaker

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Bay to Bay is coming!!

Sadly, I won't be racing this year, but just got this email from Jen @ Aqua Adventures:

If you are participating and are trying to figure out how to get your kayak back from the finish line, Aqua Adventures would like to help! We will be providing kayak transportation (but NOT people transportation) from the finish line to Aqua Adventures FREE of charge for our SDKC and Night Herons friends. We have room for almost 20 kayaks. Your kayak will have a gentler ride if you provide cam straps. Please note that YOU must load the kayak onto the trailer located in the parking lot at Tidelands. Any kayaks left on the beach or lawn will remain there. You can tie them down, or we’ll do it. Please load from the top rows down (although I don’t think we’ll need the very top). We’re not exactly sure when the trailer will depart from Tidelands, but probably between 2-3pm. We can’t guarantee an exact arrival time at Aqua Adventures. You can pick up your kayak on Sunday if absolutely necessary, but we will be reloading the trailer Sat. night for an EARLY Sunday departure, so we’d appreciate boats being picked up on Sat. if at all possible!

If you’d like to take advantage of this kayak shuttle, send us an email so we get an idea of the demand.

I’m pretty sure the race organizers still provide people shuttles back to the start lines.
