San Diego Kayaker

Monday, September 29, 2008

To sea...

Mike Brown, Ines, Jon Brindle and myself meet under foggy skies at the La Jolla Shores launch point for a nice paddle up the coast. The usual crowd of kayak fishermen we also among those launching. Mike filled us in on the basic paddle plan, head north of a bit, if there is any interesting surf, we might play in it. After launching, we saw some folks playing the in the surf near the Marine Room. We cruised down to see if it was any of the usual suspects. There were. Jon and Mike chatted with Teresa a bit. It seems we might be losing access to various launch points. Major bummer.

Ines and I left Jon and Mike chatting to get a slight head start. I knew I was not going to be overly speedy with elbow. As we cruised up the coast, the ocean was fairly flat, with gentle swells coming in from the west. Great conversations were had as we paddle past the brown cliffs of Torrey Pines. There was not much in the way of surf for us to play in. I was going to pass on that portion anyway. After about an hour and half, we decided to turn back.

We cruised back down the coast, however this time we did not take a break and I was starting to feel my elbow a bit. Mike hung back with me as I decreased my effort to give it a rest. Around the Scripps Pier, Mike offer to link up a tow line to me and give me a bit of a break. No sense in trashing it. The two of us the then paddled together. I thanked him for the assist, and we discussed how it is so much easier to solve the little issues, than let them grow. That is why I enjoy paddling with people I can trust. I could have made the last mile, though slowly, this was the smart thing to do. It learning how to apply this kind of thinking that BCU seems to be putting more emphasis on of late, which is good.

We unhooked, got Ines' skeg stored safely and gently landed and the rental shops began pouring their boats into the water. All in all a wonderful time on the water. Thanks to Mike for arranging it and hoping that I will be paddling a bit stronger next time (rehab sucks!).


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