Thursday night's paddle turned into an adventure of sorts. I was going to paddle with the GNNs, but soon learned that I forgot my paddle shorts. D'oh! I was a bit early, so I headed over to Aqua-Adventures to see if they had anything I could buy. I needed a second pair, so I wasn't too depressed about forgetting them. Unfortunately, they did not have anything in my size. Now I was very bummed.
Mike B. was there and kindly let me borrow a spare pair he had. I returned the favor by hanging around and doing the Thursday night social paddle. I haven't done one of these in a while. Since I got my own boat, the appeal of cheap boat rental was no longer there. Also, since I usually can only paddle one night during the week, I tend to try to do the Night Herons for more of a work out.
I actually put in quite early and headed over to near the lifeguard station and started working through a variety of skills. Backward circles, draw on the move, hanging draws, sculling draws, sculling for support, etc. The water was very smooth, so the boat wake was easy to see for the backward paddling, so I could gauge my circles and figure 8's.
About 6'ish, the paddlers left the docks at Aqua and joined up with Mike, Dale ?, and myself as the "guides". There were about 20 boats in all. Mike ran sweep, while I held the point. I used all this time to keep working on my strokes. Paddling on edge, more draws, some bow rudders at the stopping points.
The route was the typical trip to the penguins, then we looped through Bahia Cove then back to the shop. Interesting note, the paddle wheeler actually came into Quivra Basin at the start of the paddle. I looked at Mike and ask when did they start that? He replied, he had never seen it before.
All of those strokes keep feeling better-Thanks Jeff! Although one draw on the move blew chunks, but I did a quick recovery and avoided the buoy. :) During forward paddling I tried to really focus on rotataion and transferring energy from the legs and torso.
I had a lot of fun as a guide. Afterwards, Mike and I enjoyed a nice cool Fosters and talked about Thursday paddles and how to make them more fun. The evening certainly turned out to be a great time on the water.