By the light of the moon...
The weather in San Diego was starting to return to something 'normal'. The weather for Tuesday night look a typical perfect San Diego evening. A half moon was up in the early evening sky. During the summer, the Night Herons will do what is known as the Coranado circumnavigation on the odd weeks. Well it was an odd week.
I usually get to Shelter Island a bit early, traffic on the 5 south and me in my little Saturn with my boat sticking out always makes me nervous. Teresa showed up a bit early as well and suggested we do the circumnav. Initially, we thought we were going to run it backwards. The normal route is to leave Shelter Island and head out of San Diego Bay, cross over the jetty at some point depending on the tide. After making your way toward the lovely Hotel Del Coranado, land and do a small portage to the other side, then continue back along the North Island side toward Shelter Island. All told, it is about 10-11 miles of paddling.
Teresa thought we had a low tide at about 3-ish, so she wanted to do the trip in reverse. After much debate, we convinced her that she had tides reversed and it was high tide at 3ish, so the normal route would be the correct way to go.
Jane also joined us. We left a bit before the 6pm traditional launch time, figuring that the faster paddlers would catch us.
We headed toward the entrance to San Diego Bay, along the way we ran in to Al, who had launched from Coranado and was paddling over. We inquired about the surf conditions and if there were Dumpy sightings. He said it was running about 2-3 feet, with some dump. We decided to press on. We crossed the channel to the south side and headed along the jetty.
About half way down the breakwater, we found a spot that the three of us could slip across. We had a brief water break, then headed toward the Hotel Del Corando. It makes such a beautiful target. I really need a waterproof camera!

The swell did pick up slightly as we paddled onward. This was entirely new water for me. I had never done this trip before and was really excited about. I could feel the growth of my skills from taking the classes at Liquid Fusion. The boat felt right, the blade felt right, I felt right. This is why I kayak. Thanks Jeff.
As we neared the beach, we began the process of inspecting the wave action and locating a landing spot without swimmers or surfers. The sets were running about 3 seconds apart and typically in groups of three. We found a stretch of beach that look open for landings, so we decided to go for it. Teresa went first, flawless. Jane soon followed, another upright and dry landing. Now it was my turn. I tucked my Herons hat in my PFD and secured my sunglasses in my spray skirt. I let the group of three pass, then headed in. About half way in got a little sideways in a small wave, push through it, and landed without issue. Three text book landings. Smiles and congrats to all.
We carried our boat down the street, and dashed across the main road to slip back into the bay. As we started back toward Shelter Island, a water taxi was just pulling away, so I had to see if I could grab a draft. I slipped in behind him, and motored along for awhile, until the diesel fumes were to much.
The sun was slowly setting as we went under the Bay Bridge, the lights of Petco park were on in the distance (Padres lost 1-0 to the Astros). As we passed the empty beach by the ferry landing, we knew the rest of the group had come and gone.
Teresa motored ahead, while Jane and I cruised together. The coastal clouds started to move in and we lost our moon. As we crossed the channel back to Shelter Island we could hear the music from the concert and the fires on the beach. We did have some boat traffic, so we had to stop twice to allow them to pass.
I can now cross that trip off my list. I am a bit tired today, but my poor little girl has swimmer's ear, so she was up several times during the time, which did not help. We are doing this trip again on the 12th, but starting at the beach at Coranado.
I usually get to Shelter Island a bit early, traffic on the 5 south and me in my little Saturn with my boat sticking out always makes me nervous. Teresa showed up a bit early as well and suggested we do the circumnav. Initially, we thought we were going to run it backwards. The normal route is to leave Shelter Island and head out of San Diego Bay, cross over the jetty at some point depending on the tide. After making your way toward the lovely Hotel Del Coranado, land and do a small portage to the other side, then continue back along the North Island side toward Shelter Island. All told, it is about 10-11 miles of paddling.
Teresa thought we had a low tide at about 3-ish, so she wanted to do the trip in reverse. After much debate, we convinced her that she had tides reversed and it was high tide at 3ish, so the normal route would be the correct way to go.
Jane also joined us. We left a bit before the 6pm traditional launch time, figuring that the faster paddlers would catch us.
We headed toward the entrance to San Diego Bay, along the way we ran in to Al, who had launched from Coranado and was paddling over. We inquired about the surf conditions and if there were Dumpy sightings. He said it was running about 2-3 feet, with some dump. We decided to press on. We crossed the channel to the south side and headed along the jetty.
About half way down the breakwater, we found a spot that the three of us could slip across. We had a brief water break, then headed toward the Hotel Del Corando. It makes such a beautiful target. I really need a waterproof camera!

The swell did pick up slightly as we paddled onward. This was entirely new water for me. I had never done this trip before and was really excited about. I could feel the growth of my skills from taking the classes at Liquid Fusion. The boat felt right, the blade felt right, I felt right. This is why I kayak. Thanks Jeff.
As we neared the beach, we began the process of inspecting the wave action and locating a landing spot without swimmers or surfers. The sets were running about 3 seconds apart and typically in groups of three. We found a stretch of beach that look open for landings, so we decided to go for it. Teresa went first, flawless. Jane soon followed, another upright and dry landing. Now it was my turn. I tucked my Herons hat in my PFD and secured my sunglasses in my spray skirt. I let the group of three pass, then headed in. About half way in got a little sideways in a small wave, push through it, and landed without issue. Three text book landings. Smiles and congrats to all.
We carried our boat down the street, and dashed across the main road to slip back into the bay. As we started back toward Shelter Island, a water taxi was just pulling away, so I had to see if I could grab a draft. I slipped in behind him, and motored along for awhile, until the diesel fumes were to much.
The sun was slowly setting as we went under the Bay Bridge, the lights of Petco park were on in the distance (Padres lost 1-0 to the Astros). As we passed the empty beach by the ferry landing, we knew the rest of the group had come and gone.
Teresa motored ahead, while Jane and I cruised together. The coastal clouds started to move in and we lost our moon. As we crossed the channel back to Shelter Island we could hear the music from the concert and the fires on the beach. We did have some boat traffic, so we had to stop twice to allow them to pass.
I can now cross that trip off my list. I am a bit tired today, but my poor little girl has swimmer's ear, so she was up several times during the time, which did not help. We are doing this trip again on the 12th, but starting at the beach at Coranado.
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