San Diego Kayaker

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Rolling, Rolling, keep those kayaks rollings

Yesterday, I loaded up the kayak and headed down to the Plunge on Misson Beach where Aqua Adventures was holding their pool class. I figured it would be a good time to practice some rolls and some other fun.

Teresa and Jane were there was we all trolled the parking lot for spaces for our cars. Finally we found parking and hauled our boats to the pool. Mike Brown also showed up, along with Steve and Sue (and a few other familar faces). Our end of the pool was quite crowded with the number of boats, at times it was hard to find clear water to work in.

My rolls were a little rusty at first. I did have one or two pool rolls. But I was able to perform several regular rolls, which was nice to pull off. Although Steve and Sue would call them half rolls ;)

I tossed in a few high braces under Sue's eye. She thought the technic was good. She hopped into the pool and grabbed my stern. She then started wiggling it and it was my job to remain upright. I am proud to say I did remain up. She said that I was able to execute my braces both quickly and strongly. I had one bad brace, but I was able to recover with some quick sculling. The best part was I just 'knew' what to do. Sue gave me a thumbs up on the exercise.

I tried a few cowboy reentries into my boat, but no luck. The same with trying to pull both legs out while seated. Sue did try a cowboy reentry with my boat, and was unable. So, at least now I know its the boat ;).

After about two hours I was was beat and our time at the pool was over. All in all, it was a great session. I spoke with Jen about doing a BCU assessment soon. I need to run through the 4 star manual. I got find a knot guide....

We said goodbye to Steve and Sue, as they are headed back across the US on Saturday. I would like to say to them, Have a memorable and safe journey. I wish I could go over next May for their event, but a 15th wedding anniversary might trump that ;)

Also may good water flow under Teresa and Jane as they journey down through the Grand Canyon.

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