San Diego Kayaker

Friday, March 30, 2007

Quiet time on the water

With Passover coming I I knew I was going to be off the water with family in town, so I decieded to keep one las paddle in. I was only able to sign up for one class at the Southwest Kayak Symposium, so I could spend some time on the water and not be tired. Also it was going to be my last 'off' Friday. I am really going to miss that schedule, but my new job at Qualcomm beckens.....

I decided to head out to the end of Point Loma again, and maybe find the missing paddle from the adventures on Tuesday night with the Night Herons. I slipped into the water and held a nice pace as I aimed my bow toward Ballast Point. The waters were fairly calm, just some boat wakes from fishermen headed out to test the deep blue.

The bay was peaceful, as I reflected on 9 years of work at my last job. I started looking forward to my two weeks off. I have started to make a list of places I hope to paddle. No really big adventures, but some day trips to Orange County, although I am toying with the idea of heading up to Santa Barbara for a couple of days....

I reached the end of the point, I paused and looked the swell as it broke against the shore. No surfers today. I turned my boat around and headed back in. I had a lunch date with a good friend from HP, so I could not just drift back into the bay. The mechanics continued to work well. My elbows were a touch sore, but nothing that I was concerned about. I would always make sure I would take a break and relax.

The boat traffic picked up a little bit, so I kept an eye out for wakes as I made my way home. I landed on the beach after just under 2 hours on the water and about 7 miles under my keel. I forgot my inse water, so I attempted to rinse the sand from the boat, but dumpy poked his head out and got me. Great, I now have water in the cockpit. So, I had the pleasure of sponging the water out. crud.... (oh never did find that paddle...)

My elbows felt good later, so that was a great sign for all the kayaking I hope to do. I was really looking for the symposium. Later that night I started to feel a cold coming on. I woke up the next morning and knew that I had cold. I decieded that I should skip my class. Oh well. From the reports the event was a success. I still need to get my shirt.

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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Surf Day at the Shores

The San Diego Kayak Club hosted a "Play in the Surf" day down at La Jolla Shores. So, with the alarm going off way too early on a Saturday morning, I rolled out of bed, kissed my wife good-bye and headed down to the water.

I opted to unload at the boat ramp at La Jolla Shores instead of the access point next to the Marine Room. Hauling my 18 1/2 foot Chilco, down those stairs is no fun. I ran into Tom who was also following suit. We could see some folks already gathering down the beach. I parked the car and quickly changed into my gear.

Unfortunately there was almost no surf to be had. I wished I had brought some water along to go out and do some milage rather than play in the surf. We carried the boats down to the Marine Room, carefully not to wake the sleeping homeless.

After some quick introductions and hellos to old friends, we launched out into the water. There was a variety of boats, Don in his SOT, several surf kayaks, and a couple other long boats.

Our first swimmer was Jane, as she was riding a nice wave in. I was able to catch a few small rides here and there. I also took this time to practice various strokes in the surf zone (if you could call it that).

On one wave, I did over reach my brace a bit and started to go over. My paddle and I were stuck in the sand. I thought about using the paddle to snap back up, but thought about breaking the blade. So I grabed a breath, and rolled. I was nice to have that confidence in your skills. I slid the paddle into an extended position, and up I came. Several folks were impressed. I thought my form was a bit off. My blade dove a bit too much for my liking.

I ended a bit early, hoping that I might make it home to attend shul. I bid farewell to the folks, who I hear continued on for about another hour. As I easily landed back at the boat ramp, I reflected a bit on how more comfortable I am after just a few times working in the surf. All in all it was a beautiful start to what would be a great day.

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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

A missed rendezvous

Several of my good kayaking buddies decided to do a coastal paddle last Sunday. They originally thought that they might do La Jolla Shores to Mission Bay.However, they opted to do the Mission Bay to San Diego Bay paddle instead. Unfortunately, that distance is too much for my elbow right now. So Jane and I cooked up a plan to rendezvous at the end of Point Loma. Jane was going to call me with in the morning to let me know when they were launching and about when they might arrive there.

There was some uncertainity due to the fog that we had been having during the week. I got the call that they were launching and should be entering the harbor around 10:45. I finished making pancakes for the twins, and loaded up the kayak and headed to Shelter Island.

I paddled out under grey skies. The water had a little texture to it from the boat traffic. I kept an eye for boats head out for their day of fun. I eased around Ballast Point and cruised passed the sandstone cliffs of Point Loma. I did not have a watch so I was in full guessimate mode on time.

I neared the end of the point, and waited cautiously. Paddling solo takes a bit more effort to remain watchful. I decided to turn back toward Shelter Island. I gently paddled along, stopping here and there hoping that the might still catch me.

The elbow was feeling fine. So that was good news for me. I started to feel the effects of not having a coffee that morning and was glad I was landing back on the beach. Upon returning from the restroom, I watched as Jane, Jon, Teresa, Diane, Tom, and the English 'bloke' who was the reason for the adventure, landed. Drat! I just missed timed it.

I helped haula few boats up to the cars and chatted a bit. I'm looking forward to the Surf Day on Saturday!

The elbow was fine for the rest of the day. I never felt the need to ice it, not take and Advil. Yeah!

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